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Samantha Landa  /  Health
How To Prevent Hearing Loss (For Drummers)
Drummers are 4x more likely to have hearing loss than the average person. Here's how to prevent any problems so you don't have to quit.

Amy Di Nino  /  Health
Music As Therapy For Drummers
Did you know that music can reduce anxiety in musicians? Here are some tips from a music therapist to help you manage your stress.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Danny Miles
Find out how many calories Danny Miles burns during a show with July Talk!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
How To Convince Yourself You Don’t Suck At Drums
Think you suck at drums? Here's how to get out of a demotivating mindset.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
Test Yourself: Why You Aren’t Motivated To Drum
What's stopping you from practicing? Test yourself and find out the best ways to get motivated.

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Jeff Burrows
Find out how many calories Jeff Burrows burns during a show with The Tea Party!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
Drumming: The Natural Painkiller
Do you get a major rush after playing drums? Known as 'drummer's high', research shows that drumming can actually release pain-reducing hormones. Read more here!

Nadia Azar  /  Health
Burning Calories With Mike Mangini
Find out how many calories Mike Mangini burns during a Dream Theater show!

Samantha Landa  /  Health
7 Health Questions Drummers Are Too Embarrassed To Ask
Drumming is a physically demanding activity that can take a toll on your body. Here are some awkward health questions drummers might be too embarrassed to ask.

Samantha Landa  /  Health
3 Studies That Prove Drummers Are The Best
Tired of coming up short when defending drumming’s good name? Send this article to the naysayers. These 3 studies help prove why drummers are the best.

Aaron Edgar  /  Mental Health
5 Books Every Drummer Should Read
Whether it's about the art of drumming, getting into the right mindset, or setting goals, these are the books that could change your life as a drummer.

Jared Falk  /  Health
How To Get Better On The Drums
The number one way for drummers to make serious progress is to set tangible, specific goals with a short-term deadline. Here's how to do it.

Jared Falk  /  Health
How To Find Motivation To Play Drums
In this video, Jared shares his insights into what some may call the hardest part of drumming. Enjoy the bonus drum solo afterwards!

Jared Falk  /  Health
How To Have Good Posture On The Drums
A straight back is just one piece of the puzzle - good posture largely comes from how you set up the drum set.

Gene Hoglan  /  Health
How To Deal With Blisters As A Drummer
Instead of putting the sticks down and taking a break, Gene Hoglan has a simple solution for you. And it'll only cost you a few bucks!

Pamela Lynn-Seraphine  /  Health
3 Genius Brain Hacks To Crush Your Goals
Your brain is hardwired to be lazy. Here are 3 ways to change that (and crush your drumming goals).

Pamela Lynn-Seraphine  /  Health
How To Hack The Flow State And Become A Better Drummer
Developing Jedi-like concentration skills can help you focus on your drumming. Try these strategies for better practice.

Pamela Lynn-Seraphine  /  Health
What Can Drumming Do For Your Health?
Did you know that drumming can improve both your physical and mental health? Here's the proof.

Jared Falk  /  Health
What To Do When Someone Says Your Drumming Sucks
When someone says your drumming sucks, well...the feeling sucks. Here's how to get past the trolls and naysayers.

Jared Falk  /  Health
How To Get Motivated To Practice Drums
Just because you want to do something doesn't mean you'll actually do it. Try following these 3 tips to get motivated.

Jared Falk  /  Health
What Makes A Successful Drummer?
Don't define your success in comparison to that of others. When you're successful, you'll know it, and no one can tell you otherwise.

John Lamb  /  Full Lessons
The Anatomy Of Drumming
John Lamb clears up common misconceptions about good posture and provides an in-depth look at how crucial it is to have proper form on the drums.

Danny Seraphine  /  Health
Keeping Healthy As A Drummer
Learn from Danny Seraphine (originally of the band Chicago) how to stay healthy as a drummer.

Ash Pearson  /  Health
How To Set Up Your Drum Kit Ergonomically
If you set up your drum kit properly, drumming is more fun, more comfortable, and less likely to cause injury. Here's how to do that.

Chad Kettner  /  Health
It’s A Fact: Playing The Drums Makes You Happy!
Science says playing the drums makes you happy! Here's why.

Jared Falk  /  Health
How To Get Motivated To Learn New Things
From sharing your goals with others to scheduling a session or gig with a deadline, here's how to get motivated.

Jared Falk  /  Health
What Does It Mean To Be A “Successful Drummer”?
What does it take to be a successful drummer? Here are 5+ ways to kick start your drumming career.

Rick Kettner  /  Health
Perfectionism Kills Drumming Progress
Practice makes perfect, right? Here's why perfectionism can actually be a roadblock to progress as a drummer.

Rick Kettner  /  Health
How To Be A More Confident Drummer
Confidence can make you a better drummer. Where does it come from?

Rick Kettner  /  Health
How To Achieve Your Drumming Goals
It takes more than just saying you're going to make a change. Here are the steps to setting real goals.

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